Tuesday, October 25, 2011

72 Hour Abduction


As many of you know I am using my art to raise awareness about social injustice. I am raising funds to do my largest work as of yet, the Rescue Series, it brings awareness to the millions of people who are forced into slavery.

“Rescue” is a series developed to raise awareness for modern day abolitionists and movements and to call attention to this modern-day tragedy.

Psalm 23 says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…”  or like Switchfoot sings, “The Shadow Proves the Sunshine”. You can’t have shadows without light. This series focuses on the darkness and tragedy of slavery and oppression and the light of hope for freedom that people who refuse to be silent can bring. Light also exposes acts that are only done in darkness, and while “Rabbit” and “Fly Away” focus on longing for escape, “The Monster” is about the terror that the victims must feel.

The project goal is $3500. This covers the cost of materials, time and equipment to complete the project. My idea to raise awareness is through a 72 hour abduction. Here's the basic concept: I will be "abducted" and spend 72 hours in a basement room below a local restaurant. During that time I will fast, think, pray and speak about the reality of slavery. This makes the scenario very real, because a lot of people are actually held in places that are in close proximity to business and public life.

I will go in on Thursday, November 10 at 6:00 pm and come out on Sunday, November 13 at 6:00 pm. At 12:00 pm on Sunday I will speak to Tapestry, the church I co-pastor in Granite City, IL via Ustream, but it will be available to all.

The ustream channel is http://www.ustream.tv/channel/artagainstoppression

The IndieGogo.com campaign page is: http://igg.me/p/45782?a=271835&i=shlk

Please consider joining the campaign and/or praying with me through the 72 Hour Abduction weekend.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Art Against Oppression Photo Shoot

Here are a few more of the shots from the photo shoot by Kyle Weber.

Join Art Against Oppression to raise awareness and funding of the International Justice Mission, a group focused on bringing social justice to people oppressed globally. Visit their website: http://ijm.org. There are two ways for you to be involved.

1. You can purchase a Freedom Series shirt directly from this site for $20.00 ($22.00 for XXL and above). $4.00 per shirt will be donated to IJM to help further their mission. Visit the AAO store.

2. You can join as a fundraising partner. The selling individual or group will receive $3.00 per shirt and IJM will receive $4.00 per shirt. 24 shirt minimum. Contact Armando at armando(at)heredia.ws for more information.

Much thanks to Kyle for donating the photo shoot and to models Jon and Jordan. Visit http://artagainstoppression for more information. Also see our indiegogo campaign to raise funds for our Rescue Series Project.