5. If All Of Your Friends Think It's Cool... If you've got a "great" idea, a revolutionary idea even, that you are going to spring on your youth group and you call up all of your youth pastor friends and they think it's "cool" and slap you on the back and hold their thumbs up, you might need to be worried.
Do you have one or two, maybe even a small group of young people who are your advisers? Could I use the word "mentor" here and you not be offended? I have now, and for several years since I passed out of the "cool" stage, had a few teens and post high school students who are my C.A.B. (I just made that up) Cool Advisory Board. My job isn't to be cool, it's to know what cool is.
"I'm not cool and I'm OK with that." Yeah, my friends all laugh at me and finish my sentence when I start saying it, and if you visit Granite City you'll see some "cool" stuff happening and every bit of it has been filtered through a young person because that is who it's for.
We are trying to reach into a different generation, like missionaries. The first thing a missionary should do when they put their feet on the ground on the mission field is find someone that can translate the culture, not just the language. You need to do the same. You have young people around you (or you should) who understand their culture and the mission of the youth ministry. They are Ambassadors and are as important, if not more so, than the youth pastor because they are who truly interfaces with the youth culture.
You are reaching into their culture, they are in the culture. So before you move forward with this amazingly cool idea, ask a few of your mentors what they think. Chances are they might think it's cool, too. But maybe not.
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