Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Social Justice and Art (Post Tour)

Video Credit: Abraham Franco, CBS 7.


Four thousand six hundred and fifty one. 4,651.

That's how many miles our social and spiritual experiment covered. We traveled from St. Louis, MO to Loveland, CO to Mesa, AZ to Odessa, TX to Monahans, TX to Plainville, KS. We experienced every terrain from mountain forest to dust blowing desert and what we found in all of these places is the same, people only care about what they know about.

This is far from a negative statement about humanity. On the contrary, it is extremely positive. It is because they don't know about the social injustice in our world that they seem apathetic to the plight of the oppressed, when in fact, they are simply ignorant of the reality.

There were so many people who we were able to share information about human trafficking and child soldiers that had never heard or even imagined that such things were even happening. These folks were not indifferent. Their eyes filled with tearsa and they shook their heads in disbelief. I heard them pray for deliverance for the oppressed. I saw them respond to art work that was a reflection of the shock and horror of the artist.

I am home now. There is a ferverency in my heart to do more, to share more, to see more people that are given the right information that will spur some modern-day abolitionists and diplomats to a place of action that causes a great shift on a national and global scale.

I truly believe that our art has the power to change the world.

We are excited to be working on an Awareness 2012 East Coast Tour.

This one will be different in some aspects of its execution and team, but it will be the same in its purpose to bring awareness of human suffering to people who want to be the change that the world needs. They just need to know so they can act.

If you would like to donate to the East Coast Tour you can click on the link and donate any amount. It will all go toward getting this powerful exhibit back where it needs to be, on the road in front of people.

Visit for more information about the tour and exhibit.